Geologic Relief Map Of South America

The Geological Map of South America Explained

SouthAmerica #GeologicMap #GSMA #GomezetAl2023

Et voilà: Explorer, enjoy…exploring.
Here is a compelling essay on South America’s geological tapestry and resource potential:

South America: A Geological Marvel and Resource Powerhouse

The recently published Geological Map of South America (GMSA) at 1:5,000,000 scale, Jorge Gómez T. et al., 2022, unveils the remarkable geological diversity of a continent shaped by 3.4 billion years of Earth’s history.

This masterful compilation by scientists from Colombia and Brazil’s geological surveys represents a triumph of international collaboration, harmonizing data from multiple countries into a coherent geological narrative.

The map reveals South America’s distinct geological domains:
the ancient cratons of the Guiana and Brazilian shields, the younger Andean mountain chain, and resource-rich sedimentary basins.

This geological framework explains the continent’s extraordinary mineral wealth, from the gold-rich Precambrian terranes of the Guiana Shield to the copper porphyry deposits along the Andes.

The prolific offshore petroleum basins, such as the emerging world-class Guyana-Suriname Basin and Brazil’s pre-salt plays, are tied to the continent’s tectonic evolution and the opening of the Atlantic Ocean.

What makes this map particularly valuable is its integration of modern data with traditional geological mapping.

The authors skillfully used digital elevation models, creating a shaded relief background that enhances the visualization of geological structures.

This innovative approach helped resolve cross-border geological inconsistencies and produced a more accurate representation of South America’s geology.

The map documents 419 Quaternary volcanoes along the Andes, impact craters, and various other geological features that shape the continent’s resource potential.

The inclusion of high-pressure metamorphic rocks, alkaline intrusions, and kimberlites provides crucial information for diamond exploration.

Meanwhile, the detailed mapping of fault systems and sedimentary basins offers valuable insights for hydrocarbon exploration.

This monumental work by Gómez Tapias, Schobbenhaus, and their colleagues represents more than just a map.
It is a fundamental tool for understanding South America’s resource endowment and geological evolution.

Their meticulous attention to detail, coupled with modern digital techniques, has produced an invaluable resource for both academic research and natural resource exploration.

The map’s free availability in multiple digital formats ensures its utility for future generations of geoscientists exploring South America’s geological treasures.

The GMSA stands as testament to how international scientific collaboration can produce tools that enhance our understanding of Earth’s geology while supporting responsible resource development.
It is a remarkable achievement that will guide exploration and scientific research across South America for years to come.



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